Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Definition of Beauty...

You know we all have heard beauty is in the eye of the beholder...but i want to know who are you letting grasp there hands on your beauty. With so much emphasis on women to look a certain way we will all go bankrupt trying to keep up with the lastest fashion...lipgloss..and hair weave! Don't get me wrong all of those thing are important visually, but they just don't last or bring quality to our lives. So what is beauty? Happy you ask! Beauty Marks believes that beauty is being comfortable in your own skin. It is about owning every part of those so call flaws and making them work for you, calling on Rupaul himself.... You Better Work! Beauty makes a statement and announces ..I am not a carbon copy but a one of a kind original! It is about purpose and reaching your goals and living out your dreams. Beauty is driven. It inspires and has a helping hand in the lives of family, friends, and community. Beauty is a story. It is a testament of the trials and struggles that come into our lives to make us stronger and victorious! Beauty is forgiveness... it gets better not bitter and has a joyful song in the midst of adversity. Beauty does not give up but is intentional with relentless faith to get to the other side. Look, read, and enjoy be inspired and see a clear perception of beauty that will leave a mark on your life.

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