Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Beauty Marks Introduces Bella Deveraux!!!

Beauty Marks is please to introduce to our readers our very own relationship, beauty, career, fashion, life coach expert... Bella Deveraux. She is a girls kind of girl! Described by many as a tell it like it is and keep it real type of chic, Belle D. is not afraid to give it to you real. So, you may be wondering to yourself...how does someone get this job? How does a chic just show up on the scene, make a appearance, and declares she is an expert on life and knows the meaning of it! She decided it for herself. "I noticed that people would always come and ask me for advice and what and how to handle certain situations.. I found out that part of my purpose was telling them what to do!" With her sound wisdom on life, mixed with love and a great pair of shoes, Bella Deveraux found her niche and loves to inspire women to reach within and find there inner voice and listen to what is true to their heart. "I've noticed that women often have the answers to their questions but sometimes need a push of courage to make the right decision. So please enjoy this new addition to Beauty Marks leave comments and let us know what you think. Email us with your questions at askbelladeveraux@yahoo.com and don't be afraid to "Ask Bella Deveraux!"

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